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  • Sunday: 8:15 & 10:45am

Prayer Blog

October 22, 2024 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

1 Kings 18:1-19Elijah Confronts Ahab After three years of drought, God called Elijah to speak to Obadiah, a high official in Ahab’s household. God asked Obadiah, through Elijah, to play the dangerous role of messenger between the wanted man Elijah and the wicked, angry king. Obadiah was...

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October 15, 2024 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

1 Kings 17:8-24The Widow of Zarephath After the brook Cherith dried up, the Lord told Elijah to go to Zarephath, where a widow would feed him. She turned out to be a poor widow with just enough flour and oil to make one last scanty meal for herself and her son; then they would starve. But...

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October 8, 2024 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

1 Kings 17:1-7Introducing Elijah In this week’s brief passage, Elijah breaks onto the scene and, even with no backstory, it is clear he is a spiritual giant in the same league as Moses, Joseph, David, and John the Baptist. Pastor Todd described Elijah as a man of humble origins, a man of...

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October 1, 2024 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

1 Kings 16:21-34A Question of Fairness Pastor Austin began by noting the repetitive nature of much of 1 Kings so far: The account of an evil king’s reign is followed by the description of God’s righteous judgment on him. In this week’s passage, however, we hear about the...

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