Checking Under the Hood: Prayer Pastor Todd focused, not on the “how” or “what” of prayer, but the “why.” He laid out five reasons why we should pray: Because God tells us to (and that is reason enough!), because Jesus prayed, because communication is vital to...
1 Kings 22:41-53(2 Chronicles 17:1—21:1)Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat was a good king over Judah: He loved God and pursued Him. He lived by and spread God’s word. He relied on the Lord’s strength instead of his own. He hated and courageously opposed idolatry. But he was not a perfect...
1 Kings 22:1-40Ahab’s Demise On his own initiative, King Ahab laid a plan to attack Ramoth-Gilead, even enlisting the help of King Jehoshaphat of Judah. When Jehoshaphat suggested inquiring of the Lord before the armies set out, Ahab assembled 400 yes-men who claimed to be prophets. They...