Genesis 33:18 – 34:31Turbulence Ahead Pastor Dave’s sermon was punctuated by an obnoxious buzzer that marked every bad, misguided action in this narrative. The examples of what NOT to do included Dinah seeking out the pagan women of Canaan, Prince Shechem raping Dinah, Jacob...
Genesis 33:1-17A Kumbaya Moment Jacob used to be a conniving cheater who bested his brother twice. Now, by word and action, he takes a humble, submissive position with respect to Esau. Esau used to be a bitter man who hated Jacob and wanted to kill him. Now he is a loving brother who runs to...
Genesis 32:22-32Jacob Wrestles Whom? God invites us to wrestle with Him in trying times – times of fear (like Jacob), disappointment, loss, or suffering. He condescends to lead us, even kicking and screaming, through these challenges. The question is, are we willing? Ask the Lord to...