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Prayer Blog

February 11, 2025 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

1 Kings 22:41-53
(2 Chronicles 17:1—21:1)

Jehoshaphat was a good king over Judah: He loved God and pursued Him. He lived by and spread God’s word. He relied on the Lord’s strength instead of his own. He hated and courageously opposed idolatry. But he was not a perfect king: Although he eradicated idolatrous cult prostitution, he did not succeed in removing the high places of pagan worship. He allied himself with evil kings of Israel despite disastrous results and prophetic rebukes.

Pastor Anthony emphasized that we need models to show us how to pursue an active relationship with God – how to consciously walk in His ways and vigilantly reject the temptations of idolatry. Jehoshaphat’s model was his father, Asa. Before the Lord, consider who your models are. Jehoshaphat and other godly biblical characters can be models for us; their stories were written down for our instruction. Let’s not dismiss them as long-ago, far-away historical figures. Lord, help us meditate on the real people we meet in the pages of Your word and learn from their example. Who are my living models? A parent, a friend, a church leader? Lord, help us learn from them in a clear-sighted way, embracing the good while recognizing the faults. Of course, Jesus is our ultimate model, good and perfect! Holy Spirit, thank You for empowering me to follow Jesus, a little bit better every day.

Learning from the lives of people who pursue God for Himself, not for the blessings He can bestow, is inherently right. It honors God. Reflecting on Anthony’s sermon has led me to think about two additional motivations. The church – our local Calvary congregation and the “big-C” church – is just the sum of individuals, the you’s and me’s. For the church to be devoted to the Lord and the truth of the Bible, we must be as individuals. You and I are part of the testimony of the church, a fearsome responsibility! Also, we are models for people around us. Anthony is a model for his sons, Josiah and Judah, among others. Whether we know it or not and whether we like it or not, each of us affects others. Lord, remind us of the “why” and motivate us afresh to live courageously for You every day.

In Christ,
Carol Gilbert

 * This is an abbreviated version of our weekly prayer blog. For the full version, including congregation prayer requests, subscribe here.
