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Service Times
- Sunday: 8:15 & 10:45am
Exodus 17:8-16
Pastor Dave began by reviewing how God has tested His people in the wilderness through difficult circumstances to reveal what He already knows – whether they will follow and obey Him, or not. In this week’s passage, God seems to be testing their leader, Moses, as the Israelites face their first military battle.
“Tomorrow … take your staff … stretch out your hand.” Dave quickly ran through many verses in earlier chapters of Exodus where God had used these same words in His instructions to Moses. Apparently God repeats them on the eve of the battle with the Amalekites, and Moses obeys. Moses passes the test; he heeds what he has clearly and repeatedly heard from the Lord. Before the Lord, ask: What clear instruction or word of truth have I been disregarding? What have You told me many times that has gone in one ear and out the other, not lodging in my heart and playing out in my life? Help me listen and obey, finally.
By obeying God, Moses showed trust, and Moses could trust God because he remembered what God had already done. What has He done for you? Your family? Our church? Dave set a good example for us yesterday by pointing out that, in the pandemic-disrupted year 2020, God provided for Calvary. Giving equaled 100% of the budget. Take time to remember what God has done – realizing that what comes to mind is only the tip of the iceberg! – and thank Him.
Moses used what God had given him – namely, a staff. He didn’t overlook what God had given him, disparage it, or use it for his own purposes. Dave quoted 1 Peter 4:10: Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others. Ask the Lord to show you the gifts He has given you. You might think first of a talent or ability. But possessions, money, time, knowledge, access are also gifts. Ask the Lord to help you – and all of us – acknowledge Him in all things by consciously considering how to use every gift to serve Him and others.
Moses didn’t pass the test on his own. Aaron and Hur held up his hands when he grew tired. Thank God for the church, for the people around you who hold up your hands when you become distracted or weak. Pray for Lone Ranger Christians, who try to live the Christian life without the body of Christ.
Calvary Family
Lift up our Jr. High and High School students who are experiencing disappointment at the cancellation of Winter Camp, which was to be held over the next two weekends. Pray for perseverance for them as disruptions to school and other normal activities, changes everyone hoped would be short-term in the spring, continue ten months later.
The church in Pszczyna, Poland, has been praying for our church during the pandemic. And when Pastor Tomasz learned that the Tebays had Covid, the church prayed specifically for their healing. Let’s be faithful in praying for our brothers and sisters in Poland as they too deal with the stress of the pandemic. Pastor Tomasz writes*, “Many married couples experience relationship difficulties. Tensions and emotions rise even over questions such as whether or not to get vaccinated. Some people who were liberated in Christ from alcoholism have begun to use alcohol again to deal with stress. Other married couples have problems with children who have not attended school in person for six months. Remote school is difficult when both parents work. Families have many dilemmas.” Can you relate?
In Christ,
Carol Gilbert
Calvary Community Church of Brea
* Edited for clarity
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