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Service Times
- Sunday: 8:15 & 10:45am
“I also withheld rain from you when the harvest was still three months away … People staggered from town to town for water but did not get enough to drink, yet you have not returned to Me,” declares the LORD.
(Amos 4:7-8)
We received a postcard from our city water department last week that declared mandatory water restrictions in bold font and red print. The unbelieving world views the drought as a natural, climatic phenomenon. Is that what I think, too? Have I, as a believer, unconsciously fallen into that mindset? I need to change my thinking and view the drought as a demonstration of God’s power. He originated and orchestrates the “natural” processes of climate. He gives rain, and He withholds it. He also uses natural processes to speak to people, calling them to return to Him. Could He be using this drought to get Californians’ attention? In prayer this week, acknowledge that God is sovereign over rain and pray that more and more people would change their thinking and humble themselves before Him.
Here are some other ideas for prayer this week:
1. The Hovivians are ministering to the people of Cork, Ireland, through a local church, Grace Christian Church. Click here to read their latest e-mail with praise reports and prayer requests. Cory notes that Cork has borne the nickname “The Rebel County” for 600 years and prays that God would use the rebellious spirit of Cork for His purposes. May they “know Christ and stand in rebellion against the evils of this world,” he writes.
2. Probably every one of us is involved in a strained or sticky relationship. Ask the Lord to help you trust Him and do what is good (Psalm 37:3) no matter what the other person says or does.
3. Lift up our 16-member Kenya GO Team. Their departure is less than three weeks away, and they are very busy with final preparations. Pray for good health and ample energy for all. Pray also that every team member will stay focused on the Lord in the midst of the busy-ness.
4. Pray for people who are at a career crossroads, including new graduates and people who have lost their jobs. May they fully trust the Lord and His plans for their lives, and may He show them clearly what next step they should take.
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