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Service Times
- Sunday: 8:15 & 10:45am
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship. (Romans 12:1)
There’s something strange about the word prayer. It doesn’t mean the person who is praying; it means what he is saying to God. Every other word I can think of formed by adding -er to a verb means the person doing the action of the verb.
• Speaker is the person who speaks, not the content of his speech.
• Painter is the artist, not his creation.
• Preacher refers to the man in the pulpit, not the sermon he preaches.
• Singer is the person who sings, not the song.
• Helper is the person who helps, not the aid rendered.
Why is prayer different?
I have no idea what the etymological explanation is, but here’s a thought: Prayer is what I offer up to God, and that offering includes myself. The offerer is also the offering. Lord, I offer myself as a living sacrifice. I am Yours. Work in me and through me today. May our prayers this week be not just words but our very selves.
Here are some suggested topics for prayer this week:
1. Peggy Brucks is losing weight and growing weak. Please encourage her by praying for her – for spiritual strength even as her physical strength wanes, for comfort from knowing that her Good Shepherd is with her.
2. Kim Le will undergo a second chemo treatment for breast cancer tomorrow. Her first treatment a month ago was an excruciating experience. Ask the Lord to give her doctors wisdom concerning the appropriate dose and to help her body tolerate the treatment.
3. Be praying for Tomasz and Kamilla Chylka and their church in Pszczyna, Poland. They participate in an evangelistic Bible Week every year, but this year is extra special because a traveling exhibit about the Bible is coming to Pszczyna Castle. This exhibit has drawn crowds and television coverage in other cities. The Chylkas’ church will be a presence at the castle, offering New Testaments and conversation to visitors. You can read the most recent letter from Tomasz and view photos of Denis Chylka’s recent wedding here.
4. For yourself and for all of us, pray that we can use and enjoy the things of this world without being engrossed in them. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
5. On Saturday afternoon, our Elders and members of the Missions Council are participating in a missions strategy workshop led by an EFCA staff member, Craig McClun. Ask God to give our leaders ears to hear His direction for Calvary in the area of missions.
6. Lift up the Men’s Breakfast on Saturday morning, asking the Lord for good and godly fellowship among the men of Calvary.
7. Wendy Chen of our Chinese congregation has been battling stomach cancer for nearly a year. You may have heard Wendy share her testimony in our worship service in late March. Doctors have discontinued chemo treatments because they are no longer effective; the tumors are growing quickly. Wendy is able to eat very little and has lost more than a fourth of her body weight. Pray for strength for Wendy as doctors consider the possibility of immunotherapy to fight the cancer. Pray that Wendy will feel her Lord’s strong arm around her, assuring her of His love and care for her. Wendy would also want us to pray for her husband, Jim, who is not a believer. Wendy’s great desire is that God will use her trial to draw Jim to Himself.
In Christ,
Carol Gilbert
Calvary Community Church of Brea
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