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Prayer Blog

May 25 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD …    (Hosea 10:12)
As Paul challenged the believers in Ephesus to stop living like Gentiles (Ephesians 4:17-24), Dave yesterday challenged us to stop thinking and acting like non-Christians.  What unplowed ground in my life do I need to break up?  What am I doing that God wants me to stop?  What am I not doing that He wants me to start?  In what areas is my thinking wrong?  What parts of my old self am I preserving?  Seek the Lord with these questions this week.  Ask Him, in His unfailing love, to cultivate righteous change in the areas of weakness He brings to your attention.
Here are some other ingredients for prayer this week:
Today is Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember and honor those who have given their lives in defense of our nation and its ideals from the time of the Revolutionary War to the present.  Thank God for these fellow citizens, for their devotion to America and submission to their government.
Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day.  When I was growing up, my family made a trip to the cemetery every year at the end of May to spruce up all the family graves by trimming grass and planting flowers.  Take time to remember before the Lord the people, gone now from earth, who were influential in your spiritual journey.  Thank Him for the godly parent, grandparent, or friend who impacted you.  Thank Him for people who influenced you from a distance through their writings.
I heard a good definition of loneliness on a Focus on the Family broadcast last week:  Loneliness is the feeling that no one is thinking about you.   If you struggle with loneliness, sit in the Lord’s presence and remember that His eye is always on you and that you are always on Hismind.  Ask God who around you might be feeling lonely and how you might encourage them with this truth.
I hope you enjoyed a fresh voice in last week’s prayer blog!  I appreciate Jayne Don Vito’s willingness to fill in for me while I was out of town.
In Christ,
Carol Gilbert, Prayer Chair
Calvary Community Church of Brea
