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- Sunday: 8:15 & 10:45am
2 Peter 2:10-22
Pastor Dave described this week’s passage as a tirade against false teachers, a violent indictment. Reading the apostle Peter’s graphic description of false teachers and the fate that awaits them, it’s easy to think false teachers can be recognized a mile away. Yet they are in the church; Peter says, “they feast with you,” referring to fellowship meals in the early church called love feasts. Dave noted that false teachers are hard to spot because their message is often oh-so-close to truth.
Did you come away from the sermon thinking, “I’m glad I don’t listen to false teachers!” Slow down! It’s worth asking the Lord, “I don’t listen to false teachers … do I?” What Bible teachers do you sit under? Think about the books or blogs you read, the radio programs and podcasts you listen to, the preachers you listen to online. What Christian opinion leaders and advice givers do you follow? They profess to be Christians, but are their ideas about topics such as politics, culture, and marriage and family robustly biblical? We don’t know these men and women’s hearts, and we don’t see how they live their lives out of the spotlight. With humility and openness, ask the Lord to unmask any false teachers among the people you listen to.
Pray also for the “unsteady souls” in your circle of acquaintances and at Calvary – young people and new Christians who are the special targets of false teachers. Pray that they will truly engage with a body of believers, not operate on the fringe or as a Lone Ranger Christian. Pray that they will delve deep into the word of God for themselves and grow and mature in their faith.
Calvary Family
Peter’s warning about false teachers is one reason Calvary is very careful about the people who are chosen to lead small groups. Being a warm body is not qualification enough! The process of enlisting small group leaders for next year is already underway. Ask the Lord to provide leaders in the quantity needed with all the requisite qualities.
Registration for VBS is underway, and Diana Aksel tells me that there is plenty of room for guests. Pray about whom you might invite to Calvary for VBS. Even if you yourself do not have children in grades K–6, perhaps a young family on your street would appreciate receiving a VBS flyer.
In Christ,
Carol Gilbert
This is an abbreviated version of the prayer blog. Contact us to subscribe to the full version, which includes personal prayer requests.
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