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Service Times
- Sunday: 8:15 & 10:45am
Exodus 14:1-31
Pastor Dave asked rhetorically, “Is it egotistical of God to want glory?” His answer was that, while it is egotistical for a human being to want glory, it is completely appropriate for God. It is easy to point a finger at egotistical people who actively seek glory – politicians, YouTube celebrities, and star athletes come to mind. But don’t all of us want glory, if only a little bit of glory? Before the Lord, repent of your desire for glory and your propensity to elevate yourself. Settle in your own mind that God is the only one who deserves glory.
God’s purpose in leading His people into what looked like a trap between the sea and the pursuing army was that the Egyptians, and the Israelites, would know that He is the LORD. He, and no other! The people of Israel learned the lesson; they saw His power, feared Him, and believed in Him. (v31) But Dave noted that they will forget the lesson within just a few chapters and will forget it repeatedly. We also have short memories. Pray for yourself and for all of us, that God would impress upon our hearts, “I am the LORD.” Pray that we will revere Him by remembering that He is on His throne, demonstrating His attributes, every day and in every circumstance, especially when we “fear greatly.” (v10)
Dave quoted from Psalm 100, which includes the imperative, “Know that the LORD is God.” Spend some time with this short psalm this week – reading, perhaps copying, meditating on, praying through it. You’ll note that the heading on the psalm is, “A psalm for giving thanks.” May the Lord use it to prepare our hearts for Thanksgiving, coming up in just two weeks.
The service Sunday was held in our new, under-construction worship center. Thank God for the progress that has been made and ask for His favor as the building project continues. Ask Him to provide the financial means to pay for the project and to help all of us continue as faithful, cheerful givers.
Leading us in communion on Sunday, Pastor Todd quoted 1 Peter 3:15: In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. Pray that we will be able to obey this verse in the aftermath of a bitter election season, even as the polarizing Covid pandemic drags on. The passage goes on to instruct us to speak with gentleness and respect, even if others speak maliciously. Pray that we Christians will set an example of doing good and treating others as people made in the image of God.
In Christ,
Carol Gilbert
Calvary Community Church of Brea
This is an abbreviated version of the prayer blog. Contact us to subscribe to the full version, which includes personal prayer requests.
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