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Prayer Blog

October 15, 2024 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

1 Kings 17:8-24
The Widow of Zarephath
After the brook Cherith dried up, the Lord told Elijah to go to Zarephath, where a widow would feed him. She turned out to be a poor widow with just enough flour and oil to make one last scanty meal for herself and her son; then they would starve. But God supernaturally provided her with a bottomless jar of flour and jug of oil for the duration of the drought. When the widow’s young son died, God used Elijah to supernaturally bring him back to life. Pastor Dave taught that, as amazing as those miracles are, the focus of the passage is actually the word of the Lord. The phrase bookends the passage and is conspicuously repeated throughout.
The word of the Lord leads us to unlikely sources of provision. God provided for Elijah through a small brook, ravens, a poor widow, and empty jars – all unlikely sources. When we lean on our own understanding instead of on the Lord, we look for the likely, make-sense sources of provision. When we trust in Him and the answer to our need comes from an unlikely source, God gets the glory, and we get to see it. Do you have a story from your own life to illustrate this truth? If so, thank God all over again for His provision. Maybe you can share your story with a friend or with your small group this week. Let’s ask the Lord to train us to live out Proverbs 3:5 daily, to show us on whom we’re leaning moment by moment.
The word of the Lord requires obedience. Elijah heard the word of the Lord and obeyed; the widow obeyed also. Did you notice that she was asked to use up her tiny store of flour and oil to prepare bread for Elijah before her supply was miraculously replenished? Elijah and the widow could have offered excuses for disregarding the word of the Lord. “Zarephath is an awfully long way to go, and it seems unlikely that a widow will have food for me in these hard times.” “My first priority has to be feeding my son, not this stranger from beyond the Jordan.” Dave pointed out that Elijah and the widow would not have witnessed the power and glory of the Lord if they had not obeyed. Have I missed a God-sighting because I would not obey? Is my first response to a clear command or instruction from God’s word, “Yeah, but …”? Do I hesitate to obey; do I resist obeying? Lord, make me bold enough and committed enough to obey You. I want to see You (as we sang on Sunday).
Calvary Family
Ask the Lord to flood Fall FunFest signups with volunteers. Before church on Sunday, 165 volunteer slots remained unfilled, and those holes are for Saturday night, not including setup on Friday night and Saturday morning. Paula Porter and Valerie Dyer, who serve on the FunFest leadership team, told me they may need to eliminate the game booths. That would be a shame because those games provide a great opportunity for personal interaction between Calvary folks and our visitors. I confess that I can be as selfish with my time as anyone. How about you? Lord, convict us and nudge us to be generous with “our” time. Every moment and every hour we have is a gift from You, after all. May we use it to serve You.
With Election Day just three weeks away, let’s pray for our nation. Personally, I am not praying for this or that candidate to win. God sets up rulers and removes rulers; He has His purposes. I am praying that we citizens, especially we who claim the name of Christ, will treat everyone (no exceptions) with respect and decency.

In Christ,
Carol Gilbert

* This is an abbreviated version of our weekly prayer blog. For the full version, including congregation prayer requests, subscribe here.
