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Prayer Blog

October 22, 2024 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

1 Kings 18:1-19
Elijah Confronts Ahab

After three years of drought, God called Elijah to speak to Obadiah, a high official in Ahab’s household. God asked Obadiah, through Elijah, to play the dangerous role of messenger between the wanted man Elijah and the wicked, angry king. Obadiah was hesitant and expressed his fears at length, but he obeyed.

Pastor Dave emphasized that God often chooses to speak His word through people. He asked, “Are you called to be a voice, speaking God’s word to someone else?” I immediately thought of small groups or friendship as a context for this assignment. It’s a tough ask, as Dave expressed it. A message of encouragement and assurance is accepted warmly, but a rebuke or challenge is not always welcome. May we be ready when the assignment comes! Lord, help me “vet” any message I think is coming from You. Is it, really? Is it consistent with Your written word? Should I seek counsel from an objective, mature believer? I know I can deceive myself! And when I am confident that the word is truly from You, give me the courage to speak it and the grace to speak humbly and in love.

Dave also asked, “Are you the recipient of God’s word through another person?” Am I ready to have my thinking challenged or receive a rebuke? Will I listen, or take offense and turn away? Will I listen but hesitate to obey the word, torn between devotion to the Lord and my fears? Lord, open my heart to receive Your word from a fellow human being. Help me discern Your voice in theirs. When I hesitate to obey, remind me that, while hesitancy is normal, I can push through it. Obedience is possible.

“The word of the Lord is all around us,” Dave said. It is contained in the Bible, of course; it is spoken by the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit; it is transmitted through other people; it even comes through unlikely sources, like Balaam’s donkey. We all know someone who is completely oblivious to the word of God. Pray for them by name, asking the Lord to open their deaf ears.

Calvary Family

Pastor Dave urged us to engage in our political system by voting. If you are one of the estimated 32 million Christians who do not intend to vote this year, bow before the Lord and consider your responsibility. If you are registered to vote, perhaps you have a ballot buried in a pile of mail on your kitchen counter. If not, it is now too late to register to vote online, but you can register to vote and cast your ballot provisionally at a polling place on November 5.

Be praying this week for Fall FunFest. Lift up the leadership team and their families during this busy, hectic week, and ask the Lord to superintend all the details of final preparations and set-up. Pray that our volunteers on Saturday evening will truly see and care for each person they meet, as Jesus did. Pray that families without a church home will come back on a Sunday morning.

Calvary’s Fostering Hope ministry has invited foster families in north Orange County to attend Fall FunFest as our guests. Twenty-eight families have responded and plan to attend. All the children in these families will receive free wristbands for the activities, and the families will receive a gift bag and information about our church. Pray that every family will feel welcomed and appreciated for what they do for “the least of these.”

In announcing the baptism class scheduled for November 3, Pastor Anthony quoted Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost: “Repent and be baptized.” (Acts 2:38) Anthony pointed out that Peter did not say, “Repent and be baptized … if you feel comfortable being up in front of people.” If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus but have not been baptized, talk to the Lord about it. You may feel hesitant and have all kinds of reasons why not, but you can obey.

In Christ,
Carol Gilbert

* This is an abbreviated version of our weekly prayer blog. For the full version, including congregation prayer requests, subscribe here.
