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Prayer Blog

January 14 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Pastor Dave quoted scholar David Garland as saying, “The word comfort has gotten soft in theEnglish language.” Today, we often think of comfortas running away from suffering or affliction to some “safe space” or as running to self-indulgence in...

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January 7 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Introduction to 2 CorinthiansIn his introduction to 2 Corinthians, Pastor Dave stressed context. The context of the letter is the state of the church in Corinth, and we must dig deep in both of Paul’s preserved letters to the Corinthians to find clues about was going on. I took...

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December 10 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Titus 3:1-15 Throughout Paul’s letter to Titus, he has stressed both sound doctrine and good works. We often think of good works as serving in a soup kitchen, giving money to charity, and the like. But Paul includes in “good works” our everyday conduct as Christians, as...

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December 3 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Titus 2:1-15 In this passage, Paul speaks very plainly about what sound doctrine, or teaching, looks like in the lives of men and women, young and old. Pastor Dave noted that one prominent theme in Paul’s instructions to each group is self-control, the ability to say “no” to...

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November 19 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Titus 1:1-9 I know enough about the book of Titus to know that Paul quotes a Cretan saying that describes the people of Crete as liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons (1:12). Before hearing Pastor Shannon’s sermon, though, I had not considered the parallels between 1st century Crete and...

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November 12 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Colossians 4:7-18 In his final greetings, Paul names ten people who, to us, are strangers with hard-to-pronounce names but who were important players on Paul’s team. Reflecting on these relationships and the message of the whole letter, Pastor Dave drew several conclusions about church...

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November 5th Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Colossians 4:2-6 Near the end of his letter, Paul instructs Christians to pray in three specific ways. Pray, being watchful. Watchful, for what? Paul has already spoken of “when Christ, who is your life, appears.” (3:4) If we are watchful for Jesus’ return, we will pray...

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October 29 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Colossians 3:18 – 4:1 I am thankful for a church with the guts to preach uncomfortable and unpopular parts of the Bible instead of quietly skipping over them! As Pastor Dave ably described, this passage on submission is unwelcome today because the views of the culture that surrounds us are...

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October 22 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Colossians 3:5-17The Christ-Centered Wardrobe Paul tells us, along with the Colossian Christians, that we have a new wardrobe and must get rid of the old, not just push it to the back of the closet. As Pastor Todd described the sexual sins mentioned in v5 and the sins of the tongue listed in...

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October 15 Prayer Blog

Posted by Carol Gilbert on

Colossians 3:1-4Seek the Things That Are Above The things above Paul instructs us to seek are not angels and streets of gold. As Pastor Dave helpfully noted, Paul explains in the same sentence that things above means Christ, seated in a place of power, status, and glory. Affirm before him: Lord...

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